All lenses are not created equal Most people spend a lot of time choosing the frames for their glasses; we all want to look good. But it is also very important that you see good, too. After all, that is why you have come to see an optometrist. A big part of picking the right pair of glasses is selecting a suitable lens material. There is a wide range of lenses available that offer protection as well as give you clear, sharp vision. The type of material used for the lenses will affect their durability, thickness, weight, and impact resistance.
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Archives for Lenses
Safe glasses for children
The smart phone and tablet revolution has transformed our kids’ lives. Many New Zealand youngsters now see much of their world at arm’s length; they are spending more and more time in front of screens than ever before. This has an impact on their vision and overall health. Seeing through their eyes This increased screen time has seen an increase in headaches, eye strain, myopia and quite probably a decrease in overall fitness. Even though we’d love to fix everything that’s wrong in the world today, sadly that’s not possible, even for the marvellous John O’Connor Optometrists team. But we
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