Archives for Prescription Glasses

Why Get Prescription Sunglasses

UV Rays Damage Eyes UV rays cause ten times more damage to the eyes than they do to our skin. UV eye damage is cumulative over a lifetime: everyone – children and adults – should always use protection. Be it sunny or cloudy, UV rays are always there. Damage to the eyes can occur through direct exposure to the sun and from indirect exposure through reflections from water, windows, sand or buildings. Protect Your Eyes From UV Rays Sunglasses provide protection for the eyes, but make sure you wear sunglasses with a high eye protection factor (EPF) – 3 and
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Categories: Prescription Glasses and Sunglasses.

Blue Control Glasses

Why do I need blue control glasses? Using your computer or smartphone for hours each day can have long-term effects on your vision. We use these devices at work, on the road and at home, often holding them at a short distance, so our eyes have to constantly refocus. Digital devices, LCD and LED screens, fluorescent and LED light globes emit blue light and protecting your eyes from this high-energy visible (HEV) light can significantly mitigate the risks of retinal degenerative diseases. Why is blue light harmful? It’s natural light, isn’t it? Blue light is a naturally occurring light. Its short, high-energy blue
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Categories: Eye Health and Prescription Glasses.

What is Myopia?

Myopia, or shortsightedness is a refractive disorder. Myopia occurs when the eye physically grows too long. When a light wave enters the eye, it is bent by the cornea as it makes its way through to land on the retina – the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye. If the eye is too long, the lens of the eye focuses the image in front of the retina instead of on top of it. People with myopia have good near vision but poor distance vision. Causes of myopia Myopia is most often inherited. However, the recent dramatic increase in the prevalence
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Categories: Eye Conditions and Prescription Glasses.

Blue Control Lenses

Looking To The Future Stepping into sunlight, flicking on a light, turning on your computer, phone or other digital device, all these things cause your eyes to be exposed to visible, and invisible, light rays. Sunlight contains red, orange, yellow, green and blue light rays. Light moves as waves of different lengths: some are short with more energy, making bluer light, and some are long, with less energy, making redder light. As sunlight reaches our atmosphere, molecules in the air scatter the bluer light but let the red light pass through. We see the sky as blue because the shorter, smaller waves
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Categories: Eye Health and Prescription Glasses.

Prescription Sunglasses

Want To Know Where You’re Going In Life, Wear Your Shades! Prolonged periods of exposure to sunlight can cause serious damage to your eyes: not only to the cornea, but also the lens of the eye itself. You know this. So to avoid damaging to your eyes, you wear your sunglasses, particularly when you’re outdoors, at the beach, on the water, skiing or driving. You do the right thing. However, if you’re anything like the majority of people climbing the hill of their 40s, you now need a little bit of visionary help, particularly when trying to see something closer then
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Categories: Eye Health and Prescription Glasses.

We’ve Got Great Eye-deals

Affordable Prescription Glasses in Auckland Priced for every budget, we have designer frames, prescription glasses and sunglasses that will have you seeing as well as you look and feel! If you want to buy new spectacles, you’ve come to the right place. As one of Auckland’s leading supplier of prescription glasses, we offer a fantastic range of quality eyewear. Buy Quality Eyeglasses Safely and Easily We believe eyewear should be affordable for everyone in New Zealand. Our range covers toddlers through to adults. We source frames of the highest workmanship in large volumes from local suppliers in order to pass the big savings on to you. Our
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Categories: Deals, Frames, and Prescription Glasses.

Vision Insurance

Are Eye Exams Covered By Health Insurance? Yes, vision insurance is designed to reduce your costs for routine preventive eye exams and prescription eyewear such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. John O’Connor Optometrists have recently become an easy-claim provider for Southern Cross. What that means for you is that if you’re with Southern Cross and you have vision insurance, you can see us for eligible eye care services at either our Newmarket Optometrists or Henderson Optometrists and you won’t have to pay or fill out a claim form. You don’t have to pay us. We claim from your insurance provider directly. Simply
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Categories: Eye Health, Eye Tests, and Prescription Glasses.

How to Get the Best Prescription Glasses

What to look for when buying glasses Seventy-five per cent of us need glasses. The standard validity of a prescription is normally around two years. If your prescription is outdated, you really should visit your local Auckland optometrist to get a new one. Check your vision, book an eye test with us. To get the best prescription glasses you need to consider both your vision and your look. It is important to match the size and shape of your eyeglasses to the proportions of your face so the look is balanced. If you see a qualified optometrist, they have the knowledge to
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Categories: Prescription Glasses.