Is your child having trouble seeing close-up objects such as their phone? Are they struggling to read small print? Do they rub their eyes often or complain they feel tired or sore? Do you suspect they might be long-sighted or have hyperopia? As parents, your child’s health and development is a huge focus. While doctor’s visits are regular occurrences, eye exams are sometimes overlooked. Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a common vision issue affecting children’s learning and development, but it can often go undiagnosed. What is Hyperopia? Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, means that a person can see distant objects more
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Archives for Farsightedness
Worried about being long-sighted?
Are you having trouble seeing close-up objects, and suspect you might be long-sighted or have hyperopia? Do you strain your eyes when trying to read smaller print on items like books or screens? Don’t worry. If you’re long-sighted, our optometrist can prescribe great-looking glasses or contact lenses to help see clearly. What are the symptoms of farsightedness or hyperopia? The most common symptom of farsightedness or hyperopia is not being able to things clearly up close. Your eyes feel tired or sore because it takes more effort than what should be normal to focus on an object. Your eye doesn’t let
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